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Aquila Ukulele strings Soprano LOW G

Aquila Ukulele Strings Soprano Low G tuning
Sales price $19.50
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Aquila Ukulele Strings ( FREE POSTING )


Nylgut Strings


Untill the mid 20th century ukuleles were strung exclusively with gut, a material that has been used for thousands of years and combines excellent promptness of attack with brilliance of timbre, very different from basic nylon strings. Until recently the typical sound quality of gut has been a constant point of reference for Luthiers, composers and Performers alike. A fundamental aim of our research has therefore been to make a New synthetic product having the same acoustic properties of gut, but without the typical defects, (high cost, limited duration and high instability under varying climates)

Nylgut has precisely these qualities allowing one, on one hand, to rediscover the Original Sonorities of the Ukulele, and guaranteeing, on the other hand, a stability of tuning.


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